Firewood Logs – Your Questions Answered

With the winter quickly approaching, keeping warm is essential. However, with energy prices rising, households are looking to reduce their heating costs by opting for different ways of heating their homes. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a wood-burning stove can cut a home’s heating bill by 10%. So, it comes as no surprise that households are looking into purchasing wood-burning stoves and, in turn, firewood logs.

Whether you have recently started to use firewood logs or are considering going down the firewood route instead of central heating, you might have some questions. At Mainland Aggregates, we supply high-quality kiln dried hardwood that has been sourced from a Woodsure approved supplier. 


Are there new laws relating to buying firewood?

Firewood sales have been regulated to prohibit the burning of wet wood and help the UK government meet its air pollution ambitions. According to new regulations, firewood sold in quantities smaller than two cubic metres will have to adhere to a maximum moisture content of no greater than 20%. All firewood will have to be “Ready to Burn” certified to ensure it meets the minimum requirement. 

Are kiln dried logs better than seasoned logs?

Kiln dried wood is more efficient than seasoned wood as it is quicker to light and provides consistent fire for longer. Seasoned wood is firewood that has been left to dry on its own and, even though it is cheaper than kiln dried wood, it does not perform as well. The biggest benefit of kiln dried logs is their efficiency – you can burn fewer logs at a higher heat and will last longer than seasoned logs.


Are kiln fire logs suitable for stoves?

Kiln dried fire logs are the best option to ensure a consistent and warm fire that will last a long time. Kiln dried wood has been thoroughly dried and has low moisture content, which also means that there is less of a chance of blackening the glass of your stove. 


Are kiln dried fire logs smokeless?

Even though kiln dried fire logs are not fully smokeless, these burn with minimal smoke emissions when burnt in a high efficiency stove. Kiln dried wood offers a much cleaner flame than inferior damp softwoods.

Which fire logs are best?

We believe that certified kiln dried hardwood is the best to keep homes warm while working towards reducing pollution and improving air quality.


Where to buy kiln dried fire logs?

Kiln dried hardwood logs can be purchased at Mainland Aggregates. As firewood log suppliers, we stock the finest quality kiln dried hardwood logs. Our firewood logs are cut to 25cm in length and split from 5-18cm. These have been sourced from Woodsure approved supplier, meaning that the wood will have on average 20% or less moisture. We sell firewood logs in bulk bags or hand stacked jumbo crates. 

To note: VAT on firewood logs for domestic use is just 5%.

If you require any assistance or have questions regarding our premium firewood logs, please contact us today. We will be happy to assist you. Give us a call on 01234 831108 or email us at 

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